Workshop directed by da Ali Zaidi/motiroti (UK, India, Pakistan) and Antonella Usai/compagnia NAD with 20 students selected from Università degli Studi di Torino and Politecnico di Torino.
The workshop took place at Virtual Reality & Multi Media Park, Università and Politecnico di Torino in 2009. The workshop has been a step into the production ofCrossroads.
Interactive multimedia theater / dance performance directed by Ali Zaidi/motiroti (UK, India, Pakistan) e Antonella Usai/compagnia NAD
Crossoroads uses the body, ritual and new media to tell a cultural change. Individual stories migrate and change continuously: the Indian myth of the Devadasi confronts the trafficking of prostitutes on the European borders, while an entire universe of sex workers navigates the borderless world of the world wide web.
In the performance new interactive systems for art are tested, the dramaturgy of the systems was curated by Antonio Pizzo e Vanessa Vozzo.
Crossroads debuts at the Cavallerizza Reale run by Teatro Stabile di Torino at December 2009.
credits produzione