The project focuses on city contact-zones conceiving them as new spaces for possible interactions.
The project makes use of locative-media and interactive-media and space perception studies, in line with Kevin Lynch “Image of the city” and a psychogeographic approach, to create art installations, performances, routes and tracing. The audiovisual content follows a narrative and/or a counter-narrative model.
Supported by Fondazione CRT bank.
In Officine Sintetiche platform
Promted by the Università degli Studi di Torino – Dipartimento Studi Umanistici (Dams) and CIRMA.
In collaboration with Politecnico di Torino – Cinema and Media Engineering
Venue: StudiumLab di Palazzo Nuovo
Artistic Direction: Vanessa Vozzo
V.O.: Chiara Vallini
Sound design: Federico Primavera
Audiovisual contents: Chiara Mele, Giuseppe Forma, Nicolò Mazzon, Youssef Haddar
GPS app: Massimo Gismondi, Riccardo Petrini, Fabiana Vinci
Interviews to: Ousmane Seye, Livia Gallo, Alessandra Terrase, Francesca Barbero, Alessia Louvin, G.raldine Louvin, Maddalena Raffa, Birane Diop
The music “Block” is composed by Federico Primavera (with: Massimo Apicella, Alberto Ezzu, Walter Mantovani, Ma;eo Mar@no)
The music “Cocek” is composed by The Undertone Orchestra